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[Performance] The AI Era: Performance Management and Organizational Culture

by 에치필 한봉규 2024. 8. 7.

In the AI era, performance management and organizational culture are critical to a company's success, functioning like DNA helices that interact and complement each other. Performance management involves improving individual and team performance through goal setting, feedback, and evaluation. In contrast, organizational culture encompasses the values, beliefs, and behavioral patterns shared by the organization's members. 

For example, a company prioritizing innovation will align its performance management with a culture that fosters innovation. Employees will be encouraged to generate innovative ideas, evaluated based on their implementation outcomes, and rewarded accordingly. This alignment ensures a stable system that places a culture of innovation at its core.


The emphasis on organizational culture in performance management can be explained by several factors. 


First, cultural alignment ensures that employees understand how their performance aligns with organizational values, fostering a sense of belonging and pride. 


Second, a positive organizational culture enhances employee engagement, strengthening trust and promoting active communication. 


Third, a well-stablished organizational culture provides consistent criteria for performance evaluations, reducing disputes over fairness.


Lastly, when these elements form a stable framework, performance management is more likely to succeed.

However, measuring organizational culture quantitatively is challenging, which can lead to employee dissatisfaction despite good intentions. Understanding this, performance management plays a vital role in reinforcing organizational culture by communicating desirable behaviors and aligning employees with the organization’s vision and values. 

Ultimately, performance management serves as a framework that reinforces organizational culture, while the latter motivates the former's success. In the AI era, both performance management and organizational culture remain pivotal to an organization's success. Striking a balance between these two elements is crucial for those seeking to create a high-performance culture.


▶ Reference https://blog.naver.com/hfeel/223249561272