1. The roots of culture grow in the hearts of employees.
2. A leader's actions are the mirror of the organization.
3. Continuous dialogue is the seed of trust.
4. An organization without vision is like a ship without direction.
5. Respect and transparency are the two wings of high performance.
6. SMART goals are the map to success.
7. The participation of all employees is the key to cultural change.
8. Even invisible culture can be measured.
9. Regular check-ups are the compass of growth.
10. Good results become the seeds of better culture.
11. High-performance culture isn't built in a day.
12. Organizations that listen to employees' voices prosper.
13. A leader who doesn't listen walks a long path alone.
14. If you skimp on time and resources, culture withers.
15. The true leader sees through the eyes of employees.
▶ Reference https://bknote8.tistory.com/221
▶ 한글 표기 https://bknote8.tistory.com/226
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